New corporate building in Los Angeles, Chile
04 de April, 2019
CMPC Celulosa has inaugurated new local corporate headquarters in the city of Los Angeles in Chile. The building has the capacity for 470 persons, bringing together under one roof employees from San Pedro de la Paz in Concepcion, Nacimiento, Los Angeles and Temuco, all located in southern Chile where the Company concentrates most of its operations.
The building was conceived as an icon of sustainable architecture and engineering, a hallmark of responsible, environmentally friendly silviculture. It was created to be a national emblem upholding the highest standards in environmental efficacy at the cutting edge of innovation and energy efficiency, favoring the use of wood in its construction and infrastructure and taking advantage of natural light.
This is the first building in Chile and only the fourth in Latin America with FSC® Chain of Custody Certification Project 2018 (FSC-P001672) NC-PRO-007711. It also has Leadership in Energy and Environmental Design (LEED) green building certification declaring it to be an energy-sustainable building, equipped with thermal insulation and effective climate control to diminish energy consumption.
The building began to be used in 2018 and was officially inaugurated on March 14 2019.The entire complex covers an area of 5.8 Ha with a built area 203 meters long and 16 meters wide. It consists of three storeys, two for offices and one for parking, and is equipped with 35 conference rooms, 3 teleconference media press newsrooms, 10 videoconference rooms, 1 auditorium for an audience of 100, a refectory and a 1,183m2 gymnasium. Moreover, one of its main features integrates the areas of research and technological silviculture to include 1,300 m2 of biotechnology laboratories and 1,150 m2 for 6 aisles of greenhouses. Both the laboratories and greenhouses fall under the Technology and Planning Department of the CMPC Pulp Division. There is also an especially fitted FibraLab for receiving visitors, where students can interact didactically to understand the wood cycle, the silviculture industry and other concepts. Likewise, the building is fully equipped with a modern Fire Control Room through which it can monitor live the forest assets of the Company and coordinate the deployment of aerial and terrestrial fire control brigades.
Leading figures in the Company, the Minister of Social Development of the Government of Chile Alfredo Moreno, the regional Governor, and more than 20 Mayors, ancestral Mapuche Leaders and neighbors attended the inauguration on March 14. The official opening featured a concert by the Chilean band Los Jaivas and a junior symphony orchestra and was attended by over two thousand people from the vicinity of Los Angeles.