CMPC will support with more than 10 thousand meals to vulnerable neighbors and elder people of Puente Alto
24 de August, 2020
The health pandemic of COVID-19 has brought a strong impact on both the health and the economy of hundreds of families, which is why CMPC will support for two months with the daily delivery of food for meals that will be given to vulnerable neighbors and elder people from the Puente Alto commune, in the Metropolitan region.
The initiative seeks to help hundreds of families by delivering 200 daily meals, or a total of 12,000 lunches in the two months, of which 100 correspond to the common pot organized by the Unión y Progreso neighborhood council for their own neighbors; 50 are prepared by the small restaurant “Donde la tía” and will be delivered to elder people, and the other 50 will also be prepared by the Unión y Progreso neighborhood council but that will be distributed to homes in other locations in the commune.
For the contribution, CMPC made the purchase of food in businesses in Puente Alto, helping to reactivate the local economy.
Last Thursday, August 13, Luis Felipe Gazitúa, president of Empresas CMPC; Francisco Ruiz-Tagle, CEO of Empresas CMPC; Guillermo Turner, manager of Corporate Affairs; Jorge Navarrete, manager of CMPC Biopackaging; Carolina Andueza, director of the CMPC Foundation; among other senior executives of the company, helped the president of the Unión y Progreso neighborhood council and organizer of the common pot, Macarena Gárate, to deliver the meals to the neighbors.
CMPC Solidaria
The contribution is part of the “CMPC Solidaria” project, which since the beginning of July has delivered meals to elder people in communes where CMPC carries out its forestry and industrial operations.
Apart from Puente Alto, solidarity lunches are being delivered from Monday to Sunday during the months of July and August, in six communes in the Biobío and La Araucanía regions: Los Ángeles, Mulchén, Laja, Nacimiento, Lumaco and the town of Villa Mininco, being prepared every day between 60 and 150 servings per commune, totalizing more than 50 thousand meals in these two months.
It is important to note that the entire procedure is carried out respecting strict sanitary protocols to avoid potential infections. For this, protocols and sanitary protection equipment such as disposable coveralls, gloves, masks, face shields and alcohol gel have been delivered to each team of the kitchens and dispatchers.