262 families of pre-schoolers participate in the first cycle of workshops of the Criando y Creciendo program
18 de May, 2023
The CMPC Foundation project aiming to promote the socio-emotional and language development of children by strengthening parenting skills has begun a cycle of workshops to share concrete strategies with parents and caregivers to use with their children.
The 262 families that are part of the first cycle of recently launched workshops of the Criando y Creciendo (C&C) [Raising Children] program come from the Chilean districts of Collipulli, Laja, Nacimiento, Osorno, Puente Alto, San Javier, San Rosendo, Casablanca, Talagante, Tiltil and Valdivia.
C&C, a CMPC Foundation project, arose in 2006 with the purpose of strengthening parenting skills and promoting quality interactions in order to enhance the socio-emotional and language development of children from birth to age four.
One of the mothers participating in this stage, Daniela Puentes from Puente Alto in the district of Santiago de Chile siad, “Listening to stories of other families is very motivating and hopeful. You realize that many of us are going through the same thing, and many families are in very complex situations. This group invites us to successfully cope with situations and, above all, not to place excessive demands on ourselves, to give myself permission to attend to my own well-being, because in order to take care of my daughter, I must also take of myself; fewer personal demands and greater care-giving for both of us.”
The program is conducted over the course of seven online workshops in which participants learn the importance of the early years of a child’s life and how important it is to have an adult who is sensitive and responsive to the children’s interests. In addition, they learn that everyday interactions are wonderful learning opportunities that significantly impact their child’s development and education. Families also voluntarily send two videos of daily interactions with their sons and daughters at the beginning and end of the program. The facilitators give feedback on these interactions, highlighting the positive aspects and making concrete recommendations for improvement.
“As parents, having concrete tools and knowing their long-term impact helps us become more aware of the important role we play so that our children achieve their full potential,” says Paola Reinares, Educational Support Director at the CMPC Foundation.
Most workshop participants agree on the awareness that C&C generates regarding parenting and building relationships with their children. “Families very positively assess the workshops, which is reflected concretely in the testimonies they share during the sessions and afterward, highlighting the sense that they belong to a learning community, understandi that they are not alone, and that there are other people experiencing the same thing,” said C&C Coordinator Doris Guerrero.
She added that families also point out “how important it is to support children to identify and talk about what they are feeling. They also mention that now they have better quality interactions, since they are more attentive and sensitive to what the children share while remaining aware that the first years of their lives are crucial and decisive.”
Experimental study
Since 2021, the program has used a results evaluation system that has systematically yielded positive results with statistically significant variations, enabling them to conduct an experimental study with 380 families this year.
The objective of this measurement is to understand the impact of the workshops on the beneficiary families at the level of parental competencies that favor the socio-emotional development of children and quality interactions with them.
To find out more about this program, join the CMPC Foundation Facebook page and @fundación_cmpc on Instagram.